I used to watch this all the time during my high school years. Now that I've since graduated college, I am SO glad that this is back! It's a series like this that made Newgrounds what it is today. I'm so happy you kept it the same too. I know that you've since improved your art skills as well as story telling skills in great leaps and bounds (I've been watching your work, it's great stuff!) but there's just a simplicity and silly mystique about this style that just works! Just like South Park. Less is more! and for you, it worked! Keep it up! You wouldn't happen to still have godfart.com around? None the less. Great work dude. Glad to see you again. It's silly shit like this that makes peoples lives better, in 2001 and in 2012.
It was funny, an old friend of mine sent me a link on Facebook and said, 'HEY! LOOK AT THIS! YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!' and clicked, saw this, and totally made my week, hell, even month.